Sunday, December 23, 2007

Inexpensive Visit with Friends

One night last week, a friend and I wanted to see and catch up with each other. Visiting with friends often involves food and that usually means going out to eat at a restaurant. However, Melissa and I have always had a better way of doing things. One of us will host the other (sometimes just us, other times with more friends). The hostess will provide the main dish of dinner. The other one(s) will bring a salad, sides, or dessert to share. Last week, I made a really easy and very yummy chicken and broccoli casserole, and she brought a great but simple salad. I also had plenty of cheesecake leftover from Michael's birthday, so we enjoyed some of that too.

A potluck dinner is a great way to share food and visit in the comfort of someone's home. It's also an inexpensive way to entertain. In my case, it was nothing fancy, just a home-cooked meal. I find it's a terrific means for visiting with friends, especially if you want to sit and chat for a while.

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