Sunday, March 2, 2008

Comparison Shopping Between the Store & the Website

For some reason, I always thought that prices that a store offered online were the same that they had on merchandise in the store. Yesterday, while working on our wedding registry, I realized that isn't the case at Macy's.

Macy's uses for their wedding registries. There's a fine print disclaimer that reads: "Prices, promotions and selections offered on may differ from prices, promotions and selections offered on or in Macy's branded stores." I found this is true on the all of the items for which we've registered. Some are higher online and some are lower.

Take a look at the difference!

Better to buy it online:
They are offering a sale on the website.

Gravy Boat, Platter, Serving Bowl, Soup Bowl
each 25% less online

Gravy Stand
24% less online

5 piece place setting
44% less online

Iced Beverage Stemware Set
43% less online

Better to buy it in the store:
(Note: these are not clearance items, but they are on sale in the store.)

Sheet Set
114% less in the store

Comforter Set
218% less in the store...not to mention you have to pay extra shipping for this item because it is bulky.

The wedding consultant at another store (not Macy's) told us to remember that we are spending other people's money, so don't worry about registering for things that we wouldn't normally buy ourselves. All of the stores have implied that we should pick higher end items. Well, we do want nice things, and people normally like to give nice things as gifts. But I "spend other people's money" just like I would my own -- very carefully! I really hope our friends and family will shop around and get the lowest price on what we would like to have.

Everyone should keep comparison shopping in mind when buying gifts from a registry. Be sure to have the store mark any items you buy as "purchased" on the registry -- even if they didn't register for the item you purchased at that store. That helps if they receive duplicate gifts. Also, enclose a gift receipt. These steps will help ensure you can get the best deal possible, and the recipients can get what they need/want.

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1 comment:

Kate said...

Obviously the sales people want you to register for the big-ticket items. And you probably have some people on your guest list who don't mind spending that amount of money. But going into it with the attitude that it's not your money that you're spending is just rude! These are your friends, after all. Right?

We registered at Macy's, Crate & Barrel, & Bed, Bath, & Beyond (our guests live in various cities so some places are more convenient). BB&B always has those coupons and I loved that people could use those!

Oh, and I would rather buy 2 presents for the same price as 1 present. So, if your guests have a set spending limit, saving a little makes it more fun. Also, be sure to register for some cute little things for those who can't afford much. I hated being a poor college/post-college person and being able to afford... a spoon... a cup but not the saucer... One of my favorite gifts from our wedding was a $15 set of colorful prep bowls that a dear friend gave us. It was cheap, but it felt like a "proper present" for him.

Oh, and yes, gift receipts. Please. Otherwise you end up keeping the ugly white crock pot from an unknown source and returning the pretty shiny one from your registry. I'm not bitter, really, but it kind of sucked at the time. Plus, it was in-laws, bless their hearts. And it makes just as lovely roasts and it lives in the pantry, anyway. =)